Here you will find the volunteering offer that we put at your disposal. It will allow you to participate in social and/or environmental projects and thus contribute to a more inclusive energy transition.

Apúntate a esta iniciativa y en tan solo 15 minutos podrás conocer y mejorar la eficiencia energética de tu hogar

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Si eres líder de un equipo,  te organizamos una iniciativa de voluntariado o de sensibilización medioambiental para que, juntos, podáis contribuir al reto de lograr una transición energética inclusiva

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Highlight the importance of your knowledge and professional experience by supporting social organisations in the challenge of achieving an inclusive energy transition.

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Highlight the importance of your knowledge and professional experience by supporting social organisations in the challenge of achieving an inclusive energy transition.

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Bajo el lema,  “Un empleado, un centro educativo”, desde Fundación Repsol te ofrecemos la oportunidad de contribuir de forma efectiva a ser parte de la solución.

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Fundación Repsol, with the help of Repsol volunteers, collaborates with different social entities such as Fundación Integra and Fundación ITER, among others, to facilitate the incorporation of people at risk of exclusion into the labour...

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