Here you'll find the initiatives that the International Volunteering Week offers you.

If you want to see the offering available in your country, you'll have to make two searches in the “country” drop-down menu, by choosing the “All” option, you'll see the global initiatives and by choosing your country, the local ones.


Sign up for this initiative and you will be able to learn about and improve the energy efficiency of your home.

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Participate in an environmental day in a natural space where you will carry out tasks of adaptation and care for the environment.

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Como voluntario tendrás la oportunidad de aprender junto con los jóvenes emprendedores de la Fundación Biblioseo sobre economía circular y energías renovables.

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This environmental day will take place in ​​Algeria, where actions will be carried out to adapt and maintain farm facilities.

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¿Te gustaría colaborar en un hermoso proyecto que promueve la solidaridad? Sabemos que hay muchos corazones dispuestos a ayudar, y todos comprendemos que cuidar a nuestros niños es cuidar del presente y del futuro de la humanidad.


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Volunteers will collaborate as part of an environment day by carrying out reforestation actions as well as working to improve and maintain the natural space in Gulfton and Alief, planting native species in order to preserve the environment. 

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¿Quieres colaborar en la protección del medio ambiente?

Contribuir a la restauración ecológica de la Reserva Colibrí mediante la reforestación de especies nativas, promoviendo la conservación de suelos, la...

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Volunteers will collaborate in an educational day to raise awareness about energy efficiency in orphanages.

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Si eres líder de un equipo,  te organizamos una iniciativa de voluntariado o de sensibilización medioambiental para que, juntos, podáis contribuir al reto de lograr una transición energética inclusiva

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