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Within the framework of Repsol International Volunteering Week, we invite you to take this route in which you will learn how energy efficiency can contribute to achieving an inclusive energy transition.

You'll have the chance to learn, from different experts, the latest trends and advances in energy efficiency around the world, in the Company and in your home.

You'll be made aware of the current situation of energy poverty and the importance of incorporating certain measures and habits in the use of energy to improve people's quality of life in vulnerable situations and help make the world more sustainable. 

If you haven't done so already, you can test your energy efficiency by a taking a simple questionnaire that will give you practical advice you can put into practice in your home, raise awareness among the those around you and, ultimately, become a driver of social change!

Once you've signed up for this initiative, you'll receive several invitations to attend the different webinars. They all start at 4 p.m. (Spanish local time), and last 45 minutes. But don't worry if you can't attend! By signing up, you'll receive the link to all of them online so you can view and share them.

The talks will be:
- 14/10: Challenges of energy efficiency in the world.
- 15/10: Energy efficiency in Repsol
- 16/10: Energy poverty
- 17/10: Improving energy efficiency in the home

Join the energy efficiency challenge and, along with the other volunteers, contribute to an inclusive energy transition. 

Be part of the team that goes the distance!